CoronaVirus: How a Bidet Will Improve Your Quarantine (with Bonus Discount Code)
Toilet Paper sold out at the store? Don't know what to do? Learn how adding a bidet can keep your rump shower fresh while your neighbors stockpile. Want to completely remove the need for toilet paper? Go Euro, baby. Or Japanese... or really anywhere else in the world other than the USA.
How Your CoronaVirus Quarantine Will Benefit From a Bidet
While everyone out there is telling you to wash your hands, we here at Bidet Genius would like to tell you to wash your bum. In other words, it’s not just hand-washing that’s the talk of the town these days.
And not just in our town, it’s in your town too.
You’ve read the reports. You’ve seen the headlines. You’ve cringed at the empty shelves in your grocery store and you just can’t bear to see “Currently Unavailable” or “Out of Stock” one more time on Amazon…because you’ve kind of come to rely on those one-click wonders, haven’t you?
It’s okay. It’s not just you. It’s all of us. If this crisis is going to teach us one thing, it’s that we’re all in it together, and that resources are, in fact, exhaustible.
Folks, we’re not interested in fear-mongering, nor do we wish to make light of a very, very heavy situation. We have families, loved ones, friends and neighbors, far and wide.
The Coronavirus, or COVID-19, has brought about unprecedented changes in day-to-day life both at home and – well, we’re supposed to stay at home, aren’t we? We’re already seeing that a massive change is needed in how we go about just about everything, and while that change will involve physical actions like ‘social distancing’ and ‘shelter in place’ (terms we never knew or used a week ago), as always there is a mental shift as well.
In simple terms, we took toilet paper for granted a week ago. Ok, maybe two weeks if you were thinking ahead. But now…we have to reframe the entire concept of cleaning up after clearing out.
As we said, we don’t intend to make light of a life-and-death reality. But there is something that we do know at Bidet Genius. There is something that we do well. There is a LOT to say about bidets, and if you know us, you know that we have fun saying it. It takes number two to tango.
And so, here we are. And here you are. You have a toilet, and you use it. Probably even more than you did now that you’re staying at home for the rest of the month (at least). Plus, your spouse, you significant other, your kids, your roomies.
You’ve come to us because you’re thinking ahead and know that now is the time to change things. Maybe you’ve always wanted to, but were waiting for the right time. Maybe you still have no idea what a bidet is, but are ready to find out.
We at Bidet Genius can help. As we said, it’s one that thing that we do know. On our site, you will find a comprehensive range of bidets, washlets, and super-easy-to-install seat attachments. You will find a bevy of bathroom literature (that’s literature about bathrooms) that breaks down bidets by price, reputation, manufacture, specs….and not to mention at least one article + video that will finally explain just what the heck a bidet is!
You’ll learn a lot, you’ll have a smile or two, and you may just find a unit that’s right for you.
The Affordable Option: Tushy
Lots of folks are talking about the Tushy (insert link, explanation) model that’s cheap, simple and quick to install (it’s all true). You can get it here. But you may want to compare it with the (insert link for similar model?). Or you may want some advice on selecting different models (or brands) for different types of toilet seats. Do you know the difference between an elongated and a round toilet seat? We do! Do you know which one you have? We don’t!
Tushy makes precisely two different bidet attachments: the Tushy Classic and the Tushy Spa. The Tushy Classic is an out of the box and affordable solution for your bidet attachment needs.
The spa version, upgrades to temperature control, self-cleaning nozzle, and pressure and angle controls for the bum-washing connoisseur (which you will be by the end of this quarantine).
Either bidet attachment offers four different color options and multiple options for the knob color--including wood.
Both products are also under $100.
Tushy has offered all BidetGenius readers 10% off due to the recent pandemic. Just enter "GENIUS10" at checkout HERE.
The beautiful – that is, ONE of the MILLIONS of beautiful things about bidets is that they are incredibly simple to install, and if you just know a few, simple things about your toilet (like the shape of your toilet seat), we can help you with all kinds of options.
In other words, we can help you take a load off.
Tushy also makes a portable bidet for those that actually are brave enough to travel. Or for those that know they will one day start traveling again but don't want to shed the luxuries of their CoronaVirus quarantine.
The Upgrade: Bidet Toilet Seats
You want more specifics in the meantime? Perhaps you’d like to know about our personal favorite, the Brondell 1400 model, that folks are coming back to again and again because its {x} feature really is the bomb. Or perhaps you’re not in Kansas anymore, but you do know the Toto brand, know that it’s got the classic and the contemporary, and you want to know all about their washlet with remote.

That’s right, a remote. You see how we were talking about a mental shift?
The thing is, by purchasing a bidet, yes, you are thinking ahead. And yes, you will be able to completely remove the need of toilet paper in your house and thus completely avoid the problem of not finding toilet paper on the shelves of your local grocery store or preferred click-and-ship outlet.
But you’ll also be making some decisions about style, about form, about function. If you have kiddos in the house, this crazy (crazy awesome) bidet thing has got to be safe, right? Right! If you have two individuals with very different washing needs (think front and back), you’ll want to know if any models out there have adjustable nozzles. They do. But you’ll also want the whole thing to look good, right? Right!
But we’re not going to just throw comparison charts or easy words at you. We get in-depth and up-close and even down and dirty- er, clean- and get real specific in our reviews of the dozens of different models and manufacturers that are out there. We get specific because you need to know what’s available, and though the concept is easy enough (clean water = clean backside), there truly are a lot of choices out there in terms of both brands and specs, and we want to help you make the choice that’s right for you.
Are you thinking about a simple seat attachment? (link) Maybe an entirely new unit to replace your existing toilet? (link) Maybe something portable? (Yes, they do exist!)(link) You see, options!
You want to know more about that remote, don’t you? Think cool night lights, automatic lid opening and closing, tankless water warming, quiet drying features, online gambling settings…Ok, we haven’t seen that last one yet, but when we do, we’ll be the first to let you know! In the meantime check out Bio-Bidet’s Bliss, or any of their other models.

And by the way, those night lights help guide you to the midnight runway, but don’t wake you up and keep you awake for the rest of the night. Smart, right? And speaking of runways and of smart, in this wild world of ‘smart’ everything, there is such a thing as a smart toilet. It can probably even fly a plane, who knows! Read the article!
But we’re not just talking about bells and whistles and night lights, are we? No! We were talking about a sea change, because the tides have changed, haven’t they, friends?
You’ve already been thinking about the environment, and making right choices. You’ve been thinking about resources that are renewable, and resources that aren’t. You’ve been thinking about sustainability. Now we are collectively thinking about hygiene like we never have before. All of these ideas have already pointed us in the direction of bidets, everyone.
It’s not the time to tell you “we told you so,” nor are we interested in having been right all along about the whole bidet thing. But we have this wealth of knowledge and of products, and we have a creative team that loves bidets and wants to share that love with you. We always have and we always will.
Because life is just too short to close doors. Unless it’s the bathroom door... or the back door... (I mean, you were thinking it already, so...)
Heck, maybe you’ve even already read our article about why Americans don’t know much (yet!) about this wonderful world.
And yet, here we are facing the need to stay home and travel less, or not at all.
So wouldn’t a travel ‘guide’ with just the right amount of international flair, down-home common sense, and two dashes of well-deserved humor be just the thing the doctor ordered?
BidetGenius is a one-stop shop for information, ideas, resources, and a little bit of fun from time to time. We know you like to have fun! And we know that you are going to have lots more time to read now that you’re at home, and a lot of that reading time will probably be happening on the throne. How’s your toilet paper supply?
As we said, we’re not into fear-mongering. We are into good ideas, and you are too, which is why you came to us. Come on in – the water’s fine!—check out all the models that are currently available. Think about what needs you or your family may have. Think about changes that you wanted to make already- from a bathroom remodel to simply using less toilet paper- and note that now more than ever is the time to start implementing some changes.
We at BidetGenius want to share knowledge, discuss ideas, and introduce you to bidets. But we also want to foster community. We have families, we have friends. We go to so-and-so’s house for dinner once or twice a month, or the come over to our houses. That was a week ago.
We may have several months ahead of smaller groups and fewer outings. That’s the reality of life now. And so, wouldn’t it seem that virtual communities are now more important than ever?
Same rules would apply: knowledge, information, honesty, empathy, trust, positivity….and a little bit of bathroom humor and potty talk every now and again.
Folks, reach out to your friends and family. Tell them you love them, because they love you. Share with your parents and friends some best health practices and safety standards that are important to you, because heaven knows that they’ve been giving you advice for long enough now!
Check out what we know here at BidetGenius, because we have professional experience and a personal touch. And feel free to forward this to anyone you think might just be ready for it. Heck, send it to those who might not be ready for it, but need to be!
Because planning ahead is the new name of the game, friends. Smart thinking, and smart acting. We’re in this together. So let’s wash our hands, and maybe a little more than just those... genius.